Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Podiatry and Chiropody in Yarm
HealthHub Clinics are a vastly experienced and friendly team, working on your muscular and skeletal structure to get you back on track. We offer you: * Speed of Service: We aim to offer a prompt appointment wherever possible, no waiting lists to sl...
Hypnotherapy, Weight Loss, Pilates in Spofforth
If you want to ’Feel Better’ using the power of Hypnotherapy then arrange for a free 30 minute consultation near Wetherby, absolutely no obligation. A friendly professional approach is used to make successful changes to your life using...
Hypnotherapy, Weight Loss, Bowen Therapy in West Yorkshire
Special New year offer ! 20% off all hypnosis sessions in January, includes weight loss and stop smoking I’m Sara and I’m a Self Development Hypnotist, I can help you resolve your fears, failures and frustrations, so you can be free to be t...